Its IMPORTANT to study yourself and get exceptionally clear HOW you DO UNcertainty BECAUSE as Napolean Hill says wherever fear, and doubt lurk you must eradicate it or be doomed to failure.
We do UNCERTAINTY by giving our UNdisciplined, UNeducated, UNtrained, UNQUESTIONED, UNchecked IMAGINATION free reign to run wild and CREATE abuse and internal horror at reckless abandon.
Contrary to popular opinion the Law Of Attraction IS about taking MASSIVE ACTION...
Its worth noting that sitting around.. FROZEN in IMAGINED fear, worry, anxiety, confusion, obsessive thinking, indecision because of UNcertainty IS indeed taking massive action toward INAction... and so you will attract whatever is attracted by INaction...
HOW do we make UNcertainty more true... that in turn locks in MORE INAction?
We do this by visualising being inadequate, not being enough, being a fraud, people getting angry with you, being abandoned, being alone, unable to ask for support and we wait and wait hoping our super unattractiveness will somehow clear.
There is a chinese saying that goes "Man standing on side of mountain with mouth wide open hoping for duck to fly in will have a long wait". LIKEWISE sitting at home waiting for a contract without letting your agency know you are looking will NOT activate LOA to tap your agents on the shoulder and cause them to immediately call you. INACTION attracts whatever is attracted by INAction.
WHAT are top three areas that UNcertainty can cause discomfort that HIDES the COST in your IT Career?