We all KNOW that WITHOUT our COMMITTMENT nothing will get done.

What we perhaps are less knowledgable of is that there is a PROCESS that goes with it. Without this process we are like someone stuck at the end of the diving board, immobilized in pros, cons, obstacles, and worries. In this state of mind, the obstacles begin to rule, obscuring the vision, blunting motivation neither able to jump nor climb back down the "ladder". Our body, mind spirit gets so gummed up we are unable to carry out what is a natural three step process that supports us through each hindrance until we emerge out the other side wondering why the fuss.

To what extent do you take a commitment process seriously or do you think the following is not important?
  • Clear List of unknowns?
  • Assessment of specific worst case scenario
  • Carry out a step by step action plan to 'test' out your 'survivability' in each scenario in 'real' life