IF you owned a 3000 acre property
and you pushed yourself tightly into a corner.. I mean hard up... against the fence.. on the south eastern boundary of your property.. and stayed in there for 100 YEARS NOT DARING to budge even an inch out from that position... BECAUSE THAT is known... because you dare NOT let go the known... and the rest of your 3000 acres is unknown.
Weird? You bet!!
COMPLEX? You bet!!
Common? You bet!!
Is it time to SIMPLIFY, to get UNCommon, to stop being weird?
When you turn 80?
What about 50?
How old are you now?
So if NOT now... WHEN?
Everyday in our chosen career we get an opportunity to let go some 'corner' experience that is the known... to be swept into possibility that is accessible (to only us) in (what is our) unknown.