IF you could CHOOSE

I'm curious to know... If you could choose your NEXT 3 WEEKS to be
(A) Uncertain, Tense, Unexpected, Unpredictable, Chaotic,
(B) Calm, Predictable, Repeatable, Orderly, Knowing
WHICH did you choose? [A] or [B]?
There is no right or wrong... its just a choice... do you prefer being tense, uptight, fearful, never quite knowing where the next disaster is going to come from to hit you next... IS JUST AS VALID.. as preferring to be calm, and knowing.
Those who choose [A]
could 'do nothing'... or just 'hope'... or hold their hands up to cover their eyes... and pray there is no truck on the road they may be about to cross... and chant platitudes as it may make a difference to 'what is'.... because this IS a VALID choice...
Those who choose [B]
could flick the switch that turns on their brain.... and shift the selector dial to "systematic thought"... and then sit back as this wonderful piece of creation takes them 'systematically' through a series of choices, scenarios, opportunities, weaknesses, mitigations, threats, possibilities, evaluations, strengths, strategies, payoffs, gains, wins, benefits, advantages, knowledge, knowing, predictablity, understanding, repeat-ability, calm, order, more free time, less drama... FOR no reason other than that it too being a VALID choice
WHAT are you going to CHOOSE to make your NEXT 3 WEEKS?