Our greatest fear is letting go of what is warm, close, secure, familiar and risk being swept away into what is a sensational overwhelming place that we like to call "the UNKNOWN".

We face the unknown when we are preparing for the INTERVIEW. We face the unknown when our CONTRACT EXPIRES and are now alone again wondering how long we'll be left sitting ON the BENCH. We face the unknown when we front up on day 1 of our BRAND NEW CONTRACT wondering what we may find. We face the unknown when we STEP UP and STAND OUT not sure if we will get knocked down..

As a Contractor we have made it a mission in life to take the risk and let go being swept into this overwhelming place that we call the unknown... and the UNKNOWN causes F.E.A.R.

Here is what I find amusing about that.

Everyday in our chosen career we get an opportunity to let go some 'corner of our experience' that is our known... to be swept into the possibility found ONLY in (what is our) 'unknown'.


As a team leader, contractor, manager, and/or a developer you are often required to estimate (indeed foretell into) what is often the UNKNOWN and in some cases your job is on the line if you get it consistently wrong.

So stepping into the unknown is actually familiar to us all... AND we all know the importance of CERTAINTY because when we are required to move towards UNcertainty in a TASK, in a DECISION, in a NEXT STEP - we literally stop cold if we believe there is a bigger chance of failure OR that we become UNAttractive..

So TO WHAT EXTENT is having a solid method for estimating uncertainty before stepping into the unknown with some certainty IMPORTANT or do you prefer to always jump and hope for the best?

How We Create Certainty

We create CERTAINTY by looking to the PAST.

When we wake up in the morning we are relieved we are in the same room we went to sleep in... AND when we look in the bathroom mirror we are a relieved the same face is looking back at us... and when we sit at the table we are relieved the family around is what we we remember from dinner... and when we get to work the building is as we remembered it from the the day before... and when we sit down at our desk people familiar to us approach us on issues we can help them with... and at the end of the day we are relived that the roads are still there from this morning.. and the family is still there when we get home.

So in this sense we CREATE certainty by looking to the PAST.

How We Maintain Certainty

We maintain certainty by obsessively checking , PROTECTING and AVOIDING anything that may take away certainty.

We eat familiar food, we think familiar thoughts, we surround ourselves with familiar things, we do things in familiar ways, we trust only people we know, we buy things we can be sure will give us a known experience.

We fear the unknown so much we will delude ourselves into thinking that by obsessively checking, protecting and avoiding anything that takes away our certainty that we will be safe in this moment and our future moments.

We BACK this DELUSION by LUMPING it all in together with PHYSICAL experiences we CAN be certain about. We CAN be certain that IF we walk slowly across the freeway with our eyes CLOSED that we WILL most certainly be killed.. OR if we climb in the cage with a rogue GORILLA that its almost certain we will be attacked.... OR if we make a person angry they may attack us.

BUT our MISTAKE in THINKING is that we assume experiences that are PSYCHOLOGICAL threaten us physically in the same way which is NOT true... SO our fundamental thinking is seriously flawed because often we are safe in this moment NOT because of our sense of certainty BUT because there is NO threat in that moment.

There CAN be an UPSIDE to this flaw in thinking.

Protecting our certainty can lead to improving our current position, upgrading our skills, learning to be better in our work relationships, increasing our marketability.. all lead to a positive benefit from what is still a mistake in thinking.

Unfortunately the DOWNSIDE costs us dearly BECAUSE the sense of safety, trust, certainty, permanence is based on an ERROR in thinking

The amount of energy required to hold our illusion permanently in place is staggering that it eventually eats in to our health.

TO WHAT EXTENT is the SOLUTION to LEARN to take away our FALSE certainty HEALTHILY and learn HOW to take CALCULATED risks Important? OR is it best to trick ourselves into getting an UPSIDE from what is clearly a DELUSION?

How We Take Away Certainty

We notice the PACE of change and how it encroaches on our JOB... including the moments we are NOT invited into an important meeting... or a trusted colleague becomes noticeably DISTANT... or you are being LEFT OUT of the loop because of a shift in projects you don't have the experience ASKED for..

We ERODE our certainty by asking, probing, noticing what is no longer true about our past.

This is a HEALTHY way to deal with our present and our path forward into our future and NOT feel INADEQUATE...

WHY DON'T we take away our certainty if its so HEALTHY?

BECAUSE when we move towards uncertainty - we literally stop cold if we believe there is a bigger chance of failure or become UNAttractive in what we are going to do, about to do, or are already doing..

BECAUSE we fear the unknown we will PROTECT our certainty as if our lives depended on it.

HOW do you DO UNcertainty

Its IMPORTANT to study yourself and get exceptionally clear HOW you DO UNcertainty BECAUSE as Napolean Hill says wherever fear, and doubt lurk you must eradicate it or be doomed to failure.

We do UNCERTAINTY by giving our UNdisciplined, UNeducated, UNtrained, UNQUESTIONED, UNchecked IMAGINATION free reign to run wild and CREATE abuse and internal horror at reckless abandon.

Contrary to popular opinion the Law Of Attraction IS about taking MASSIVE ACTION...

Its worth noting that sitting around.. FROZEN in IMAGINED fear, worry, anxiety, confusion, obsessive thinking, indecision because of UNcertainty IS indeed taking massive action toward INAction... and so you will attract whatever is attracted by INaction...

HOW do we make UNcertainty more true... that in turn locks in MORE INAction?
We do this by visualising being inadequate, not being enough, being a fraud, people getting angry with you, being abandoned, being alone, unable to ask for support and we wait and wait hoping our super unattractiveness will somehow clear.

There is a chinese saying that goes "Man standing on side of mountain with mouth wide open hoping for duck to fly in will have a long wait". LIKEWISE sitting at home waiting for a contract without letting your agency know you are looking will NOT activate LOA to tap your agents on the shoulder and cause them to immediately call you. INACTION attracts whatever is attracted by INAction.

WHAT are top three areas that UNcertainty can cause discomfort that HIDES the COST in your IT Career?